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SkinStore.com carries only the most trusted brands, backed by proven results, which can be used as alternatives to costly and painful cosmetic procedures, or in conjunction with post-procedure regimens to enhance and prolong the results

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The very crucial and well recognized biological value of vitamin E is connected to its anti-oxidant properties. It is most often used in lotions or creams for burn remedy. It can help restore acne, contribute wound healing and relieve scarring from eczema or psoriasis. Topical vitamin E moisturizes the skin from within, reduces UV induced injury, helps to cover against ozone disaster and decreases redness of the skin after solar exposure. It is useful for repairing and healing skin.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The oily skin is the skin type with more amount of sebum, which is secreted from a hair gland, spreads on the skin exterior, and makes sebum course to keep moisture of the skin. It is great to use washing cosmetics removing extra sebum with care. Two times, morning and night, facial cleaning is pretty well.


Friday, November 02, 2007

Acne is a most commonly occuring skin imflammation which can affect all the people in their adolescent days. It is an inflammatory disease of the skin, caused by changes in the pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). The most common form of acne is known as acne vulgaris, which means common acne.

Excessive secretion of oils from the glands combine with naturally occurring dead skin cells to block the hair follicles. Oil secretions build up beneath the blocked pore, providing a perfect environment for the skin bacteria Propionibacterium acnes to multiply uncontrolled. In response, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion. The face, chest, back and upper arms are especially exposed.

What is the cause of acne?

There is no such a thing as a single cause of any health problem. We can only talk about cofactors, causative agents and life situations that like pieces of puzzle interact with each other, and together promote a chain of events ending with a named set of symptoms and health problems & with Acne. Genes are always a factor of our health, but that is the only factor we can't do anything about. Genes only represent our predisposition & potential to encounter certain problem or disease. It is our life and our lifestyle as whole that makes the final decision on whether we are going to experience certain problem or not. The truth is, no illness and no disorder or any health problem is caused by a single factor!

The typical lesions of acne are: small whitish or skin-colored bumps whiteheads or blackish elevations blackheads. More inflammed rashes take the form of pus-filled, or reddish bumps, even boil-like tender swellings. After resolution of the lesions, prominent unsighty scars may remain.

The condition is common in puberty as a result of an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone. The response for most people diminishes over time and acne thus tends to disappear, or at least decrease, after one reaches the third decade of life. There is, however, no way to predict how long it will take for it to disappear entirely, and some individuals will continue to suffer from acne decades later, into their thirties and forties and even beyond.

Acne affects a large percentage of humans at some stage in life. Aside from scarring its main effects are psychological, such as reduced self-esteem and depression. Acne usually appears during adolescence, when people already tend to be at their most socially-insecure. For this reason acne should be treated if severe.

Prevention and Remedies for Acne

Although acne is an oily-skin condition, you may experience superficial dryness of the outer layers. If this is so, a light, liquid moisturiser sholud be used. Avoid heavy creams. It is alos necessary to protect the skin during the day, specially if you are going out of doors. Wash gently, and dab your skin clean. You're trying to remove excess oil produced by your skin pores; scrubbing hard will actually force the oil and dead skin cells back into the pores.

A few cautions when using acne products -change the line

Avoid getting the product in your eyes, mouth or inside your nose (ouch!). Don't apply any product to an open wound (that includes any zits you picked at), sunburn or irritated skin. If you develop a rash, unpleasantly dry skin or other side effects, discontinue use and consult your doctor or dermatologist.

Puberty acne

Puberty acne develops from a few simple steps. First, teenage acne occurs when for some unknown reason or combination of reasons, hair follicles, also known as pores, become blocked. Although the exact combination of reasons that pores become clogged may not be fully known

Your Questions and Our Answers about Acne
Q: Should acne be touched and broken?
Ans: No, it can cause scarring and pigmentation.

Q: What should be done to prevent acne?
Ans: Wash your face with soap and water, 3-4 times a day, avoid facial, use sunscreen before going out in sunlight and avoid junk food.

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

The skin is one of the first parts of the body which gives you the aging indication. The skin sags and becomes wrinkled as we grow. The skin ages for a mumerous reasons. It will naturally age with increasing loss of flexibilityas collagen and elastin within the epidermis slowly becomes less elastic. Also it has been proven that sun light speeds up the ageing process of the skin caused by UVA and UVB wavelengths from the sun. The other external factors such as the free radical produced in the vehicle exhaust gases, dirty industrial processes and smoking can further speed the ageing process of otherwise healthy skin.

But one need not worry as plants and fruits that are available in abundance play a major role in the protection of the skin. Plant oils may be used to form a protective moisturizing layer that reduces water loss from the epidermis of the skin and hence increases the hydration of the skin. This increases the 'plumping' of the tissues, contributing to a smoothing of the wrinkles.

Guerlain Best Tips on getting Anti Aging Skin

The rejuvenation of the skin has also become an important aspect of modern cosmetic care. Many professional techniques are used. These range from plastic surgery for total or partial face lifts, chemical peeling, collagen implants, and laser therapies and so on.

We have been working with natural substances for skin rejuvenation, as we found that natural extracts, used in specialized treatment, help to minimize the signs that we associate with ageing.

You can use a clinical procedure consisting of specialized cleansing and toning, followed by use of the some good mask, which has been endowed by modern techniques and perfected by the substitution of herbal extracts. It should have the extracts that are known to stimulate the regeneration of new cells.

Among these are Malkangni and Padmaka (Himalayan Wild Cherry), Saffron, Aloe Vera, Rose, Bael, Mint and so on. The mask ingredients are applied on the skin and allowed to harden. As it hardens, the mask generates heat and creates the ideal temperature at which the skin's capacity to absorb products is enhanced.

The heat increases blood circulation to the surface. As the mask cools down and becomes hard, it tightens the pores and tissues, sculpting the jawline. It also helps to minimize wrinkles, improve muscle tone, skin elasticity and revitalizes the skin.

Guerlain mask acts as a complete cosmetic treatment, because it helps to improve the skin's normal functions. It restores balances, improves cell respiration and speeds up the process of cell renewal.

In fact, it is a mini face-lift. When the mask is hard, it comes off in one piece, leaving the skin tighter, rejuvenated and porcelain-like.

Guerlain Age Defying Tactics

Some simple precautions, which you can easily incorporate into your daily life, immensely help in making your skin successfully fight the aging effects. Guerlain Protecting and caring for your health for your skin today will, without doubt, benefit you in years to come. The genetic factors play a crucial role in determining how well your skin will age, there are preventive measure you can take to avoid premature aging.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chemical peeling is a technique used to improve the appearance of the skin which is typically performed on the face, neck or hands. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to "blister" and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin.

Chemical exfoliants are ingredients such as enzymes or alpha-hydroxy acids that you can apply to your body, to loosen and remove dead and old skin cells, debris, excess sebum. The exfoliation takes no physical work on one's part - no rubbing, and no rinsing.

What is Chemical Peel?

Chemical peel uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It is helpful for those individuals with facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation. Phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) are used for this purpose. Although chemical peel may be performed in conjunction with a facelift, it is not a substitute for such surgery, nor will it prevent or slow the aging process.

Points to remember for Chemical Peel

All chemical peels carry some uncertainty and risk Chemical peel is normally a safe procedure when it is performed by a qualified, experienced plastic surgeon.

Depending upon the type of peel, a reaction similar to a sunburn occurs following a chemical peel. Superficial peeling usually involves redness, followed by scaling that ends within three to seven days. Medium-depth and deep peeling may result in swelling and the presence of water blisters that may break, crust, turn brown, and peel off over a period of seven to 14 days.

Different formulas of Chemical Peel
Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs)
Glycolic acids
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
Care after applying Chemical Peel
Keep treated areas cool (use a water spray).
Do not pick! Picking delays healing and causes scarring
Moisturise - use light preparations after a superficial peel, thicker moisturisers after a deeper peel
Protect from the sun - especially for the first 6 months
If advised to do so, continue to use tretinoin, glycolic acid and/or hydroquinone at night long term
Benefits of Chemical Peel in acne and scar
Chemical peels can be performed on all parts of the body - face, neck, chest, back, arms, and legs. Although one peel can significantly improve the appearance of the skin, you may require more than one peel to achieve your best results.

With startling results, many men and women who have gone through this treatment have felt revitalized, as their lives have been renewed due their enhanced appearance and improved self-confidence.

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

How to get rig of Sagging Skin?

There are many cosmetic surgeons who have mastery of various methods of reducing redundant skin and this type of surgery is becoming more and more commonplace. Many procedures are performed on an outpatient basis.

A facelift can reduce saggy skin and wrinkles to produce a more alert and youthful appearance. A facelift (also called a rhytidectomy) is an operation to lift up the facial skin and tissues and/or the underlying muscle, to make the face tighter and smoother.

Sagging skin under arm treatment
Try push-ups or any other triceps-building exercise to build triceps (underarm) muscles. If this does not work, you may wish to discuss cosmetic surgery or laser treatments with your physician.

Your genes and the level of sun exposure you've had during your lifetime determine how much you sag. Smoking contributes to skin sagging, too.

For a typical facelift, once the anaesthetic has taken effect, your surgeon will make a surgical cut right around your hairline, past the front of your ears. Cuts may also be made under your chin, if you want to lift a sagging jaw line.


Friday, September 28, 2007

Does nutrition make a difference in skin rejuvenation

It would be naive to believe that changing your nutrition is going to wipe out all your wrinkles or completely stop skin aging. But it is just as naive to think that you can eat (or neglect to eat) whatever you want without any effect on your skin. What you eat affects every organ in your body and skin is no exception. You may think that as long as you are using an expensive skin cream with a bunch of ingredients with scientific-sounding names, your skin will be properly nourished. Nothing can be further from the truth. While a skin cream may provide a number of important substances, it is never enough to ensure a proper, all-round skin nutrition.

Advantages of nourishing the skin from within

Every cell in the human body needs dozens and dozens of nutrients and metabolites. Some, like vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids need to come from food. Others are produced by the body provided it is healthy and properly nourished. No skin cream can replace that.

Applying a cream with nutrients to the surface of you skin does not ensure that those nutrients actually penetrate into your skin cells. They may just "sit there" until your next shower. How much of the active ingredients actually get into your skin cells depends on the skin's condition, concentration of the ingredients, manufacturing technology and many other factors. This doesn't mean that all topical preparations are useless -- but they are often unreliable. On the other hand, when the nutrients are ingested and absorbed into your bloodstream, they are sure to be delivered to your skin cells.

Nutrition has some effect on the mechanisms of aging of the body as a whole. Inhibiting these mechanisms slows down the overall aging process, including the aging of the skin.

Nutritients and foods that benefit your skin also tend to benefit other body systems and overall health.

Limitations of nourishing the skin from within

Skin aging is a combination of the mechanisms of aging innate to human physiology plus the environmental damage from sun, wind and pollution. Proper nutrition may help partly inhibit physiological aging but does little to protect the skin from the outside world. The latter must be achieved by limiting sun exposure, use of proper (UVA+UVB) sunblocks and other measures discussed throughout this site.

It is impossible to safely achieve much-higher-than-normal concentration of active ingredients in skin cells through oral intake. Some skin treatments, particularly those striving to produce relatively quick and dramatic results, rely on creating unusually high concentration of active ingredients in the skin. In most cases, this can be achieved only through properly done topical application or some special medical techniques (e.g. electrophoresis) - doing so through oral treatment is usually either impossible or unsafe. For instance, vitamin C topical treatments appear to be effective only at concentrations of 10% or more. Such concentration cannot be achieved by just bulking up on vitamin C supplements because vitamin C is quickly excreted via kidneys. Besides, excessively high doses of vitamin C may cause serious adverse reactions.

Some potentially beneficial substances are reasonably safe for topical use but unsafe for ingestion.

Some substances, such as peptides and growth factors, are easily broken down by digestive enzymes. They become inactive after going through the GI tract and therefore can be used only topically

Some of the orally taken nutrients may not be properly absorbed via GI tract. This happens when a person has certain digestive problems, such as hypoacidity, or when nutrients come from poorly manufactured supplements. Care should be taken to ensure proper absorption.

Bottom line

A balanced nutrition of the body is important for maintaining healthy skin. It may not produce striking rejuvenation, but neglecting it will make your skin age considerably faster. Deficiencies of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A, B-complex, and essential fatty acids are known to cause various forms of dermatitis and other skin conditions. Mild deficiencies, which are very common and often go unnoticed, may not cause clinical manifestations but clearly impair the skin's ability to heal and renew itself. Improving nutrition in a person with subclinical nutrient deficiencies often results in a younger looking skin and partial reversal of some signs of aging. On the other hand, "cutting-edge" skin rejuvenation treatments are likely to be far less effective or even completely fail if your skin is deficient in one or more essential nutrients. (According to some estimates, up to a half of the population in the developed countries have subclinical deficiency of one or more nutrients.) Finally, some nutrients taken in doses higher than the minimal requirement (but still in the safe range) may produce skin benefits above and beyond what the basic balanced nutrition does.
